
Supportive Counseling

While we work together to develop concrete plans, we will discuss how to make sure you are cared for as well. What are you doing for yourself? Who is there for YOU while you are there for everyone else? Understanding where you as the caregiver fit into the planning is crucial to successful planning.

Application Assistance

A big question is how to pay for the care that is needed. We will work to determine eligibility for benefits and entitlements. Medicaid is a big focus here, and we will work together to prepare for the application process and complete the spenddown appropriately.

Local & Long Distance Moves

Making the decision to change homes is daunting. We will work together to untangle the feelings from the needs, and work through planning, implementing and completing moves. Whether the move is from a lifelong home to a continuing care community, or from an apartment to assisted living, we will work together to choose the right level of care, the right property and the right price.

Managing Now and Future Planning

Chaos to Calm. In the short term we will work together to get the current situation more under control. Perhaps a parent is in the hospital or has just been given a difficult diagnosis. We will make a plan to get through the here and now, and also for what may be, can be and should be, next. While a crisis may happen, we can be prepared and have the tools at-the-ready to address it.

Home Safety Assessment

We will walk through the current home and suggestions will be made for ways to make the home safer for the older adult. From medication reminders to throw rugs, grab bars to room layouts, we’ll have conversations about how to make the current setting safer often opens the door to longer term planning.

End-of-Life Decision Making

Whether this is an immediate consideration or not, this can be part of our long-term planning process. Sometimes we are just not graced with that much time. We will discuss the paths that can be taken, and how to prepare for each. Palliative Care, Hospice, Advance Directive documents are all critical tools, especially when supported by open conversations and clear expression of one’s wishes.

“I can't say enough about Bethany's expertise, calm manner, genuine compassion, and generosity of spirit. She has worked in the eldercare arena for decades and her insights are unbelievably helpful. ”
