
“Bethany's recommendations, knowledge about how the systems (Medicare, Medicaid, etc.) work, and guidance was incredibly helpful and got us through a very difficult time. Can't recommend her highly enough.”​
“Just wanted to give a shout out to the amazing Bethany Joseph and her incredible expertise, empathy and guidance around all things senior care. We were completely overwhelmed, confused and making all of the common newbie mistakes when trying to navigate both rehab and long-term care for my FIL.”​
“I have been friends with Bethany Joseph for years and I have recommended her often on this page. As a highly experienced elder care consultant, she was a comfort and help to me when my father passed away several years ago and she's been an amazing resource this week as we prepare for my MIL to start hospice care at home. ”​
“I can't say enough about her expertise, calm manner, genuine compassion, and generosity of spirit. She has worked in the eldercare arena for decades and her insights are unbelievably helpful. For most of us, so much of the process of caring for our aging loved ones is new and daunting. For Bethany, it's not, and she is invaluable in helping you with what you don't even know you don't know with clear, objective information. ”​
“These seasons are so painful and sucky and Bethany helps make it suck just a little less. Don't go it alone. Reach out for help.”​